We don't do that here

Where did the “we don’t do that here” meme started out? It’s a bit offensive at first cause you feel like you don’t belong in a certain group but then I discovered that it’s just a meme circulating around lol

I don’t know, maybe it’s just a phrase that was birthed online! We don’t do that here, it’s not that offensive I think, in a certain manner, just stating a fact that you can’t do anything anywhere! Respect everyone’s culture

Didn’t you know it started out with the Marvel series, I’m not sure avengers maybe, lots of memes came out because of that, we don’t do that here is one of them!

Yes, i think it started out in Avengers. If I’m not mistaken Captain America is the one who says “we don’t do that here” usually to Loki? lol

It’s pretty much offensive but I think it’s eye-opening, knowing what’s acceptable in one’s group or not. If someone told you something like we don’t do that here, just respect it and try to comply :relaxed: