Good quality TikTok videos

Hey, does anyone know here how can I ensure that I am posting clear TikTok videos? Cause I was just notified by a follower that the videos that I am posting are low-quality ones in terms of the clearness, it somehow looks pixelated or distorted.

I know that the “high quality” upload setting is enabled that’s why I’m confused. Can anyone help?

Before finally uploading, there should be an option there to upload the specific video in higher quality!

Oh shoot you’re already enabling that option however, I don’t know. Cause in my case, it’s uploading in higher quality as promised.

just give up! I did! haha, i think it’s the app’s problem the quality of their videos no matter if you select a high quality option they will just display the highest quality possible that their app can provide not necessarily the outcome or the picture of a high quality video that we are expecting

I think having good quality TikTok videos on the user’s end needs a speedy internet too.