Benefits of Social Media Strategy

For people who makes a living with Social Media such as influencers, vloggers, bloggers, YouTubers, or any commoners who monetize their content on social media, is it wise or beneficial to have a detailed social media strategy, or do you just go out there, be yourself, lay down your content and that’s it!

I think if today we are still not making money in whatever form in Social Media we have been left out by the society, big time! :thinking: :sweat_smile:


Yes, definitely! there are a lot of benefits to having a social media strategy. You can be strategizing for creative, unique, and engaging content or how to have more followers and all. Some even hire social media strategists just to help them out and they plan out the content or strategy for the whole month or even a quarter.

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Do you know where can I ask those Social Media strategists for suggestions and help? I want to reap the benefits of having a clear social media strategy!

Yes, it’s everywhere online just look up social media virtual assistants, they can personally help you out, or if you need an advisor that would be fine as well! Long way to go, but having a good social media strategy would really help you out in the long run!

I think one of the benefits of having a social media strategy is a turnout of numbers, number of followers, views, engagements! Sure thing, if you strategically plan everything, you will reap benefits from it, may it be success or lessons learned! Positive vibes only :love_you_gesture:t2:
No failures, just leassons learned :100: :100: