August Algorithm in TikTok

Did you guys notice that most of your old videos are getting more views these days instead of the new ones? I think Tiktok’s pushing these oldies more to the viewers, not sure though if that’s really the case since it’s still pretty early in August. My old videos are really blowing up!

The same goes with me, my old uploads are gaining more views recently and the newer ones flopped. But I think that has something to do with the relevance of those videos depending on the viewer and has little to do with the algorithm in TikTok, it can be a factor but it’s not the sole reason I guess.

I think the same thing is happening to me, one of my videos were once 150k but it blew up to 250k in a span of two days.

I think you might need to at least upload new videos consistently and see if up until the end of this month, the same pattern happens, then maybe the August algorithm in TikTok has really something to do with it.

TikTok’s August algorithm sucks for me, my views are just the same, and nothing spiked up.

It’s September now but I think it’s still the same case for me. so maybe their August algorithm will be carried out moving forward.